As years went by I spent a lot of the time observing my surroundings to decide weather art placed at doctor's offices, school and family members homes was scary or not (I may even say that was me showing a spark to be an art critique.... or maybe a bit if trauma from my parents painting).
When I reached the age 14 I decided I wanted to be totally immerged in the art world and started visiting art galleries, museums and books stores (shout out to my aunt Anny who mentored me on this journey) to learn as much as we could.
What I ended up realizing is that you can read as much as you want about art but it will never replace the moment of experiencing emotions and an avalanche of thoughts when you're standing in front of an artwork. I've only cried once in my life (due to art of course) and that was in Florence at Gallerie Degli Uffizi after walking around each room and having all my senses nurtured by exquisite paintings and sculptures, I finally got to Room 90 to see the most powerful painting I've ever seen: Judith Beheading Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi. I have seen this piece innumerable times but nothing, nothing will ever replace the emotions I felts when I was face to face to this spectacular artwork.

As you can see, my favorite artwork is darker and some could say scarier than the artwork I was afraid of at 4 years old. The painting didn't change. I changed. My perception changed and as I grew older I showed interest on learning about what's behind the things I like and I don't like which until today is the best tool I have to understand life with the help of art.
The value of art for me goes beyond the physical object, the surface and materials. It's value comes from those thoughts and feelings ignite in me at the moment of coexisting with an artwork in the same space and time.
That is the ultimate goal I pursue with my creations: to stay vulnerable and honest with the translations I make from my thoughts and feelings into the canvas to help others explore and discover new thoughts and perhaps acknowledging new feelings rising to the surface of our everyday existence.